It has come to my attention, that recently, and increasingly so, the "Older generation" has been talking about how "kids these days suck." I'm paraphrasing by the way, as I don't remember the exact phrase. This is because I have an attention span of about 0. I"m surprised I even made it through that sentence. Old people (and by "old", I mean 35+) are constantly going on about how "Teens these days are always on their cell phones" and stuff like that. They have an air of annoying superiority about the whole thing. This bothers me for many reasons, which I have compacted down into 2 for your reading convenience!
1. The older generation INVENTED THESE THINGS IN THE FIRST PLACE. It's your own fault your kids are always on devices. Steve Jobs created apple, Bill Gates P.C. These men are both members of the offending age group. Take responsibility. For the love of god.
2. Your generation created US. We, the children of the future, are the the results of your sweat, blood (and other bodily fluids), and hard work coming together. Ergo, everything we do is your fault.:)
If some crotchety old man ever says to you "In my day, kids didn't INSERT MODERN FREEDOM HERE",you know what you do? Flip that d-bag the bird and say "Yeah, and in your day it was legal to own slaves, and see how that worked out?" And walk away. Seriously, i'm gonna personally throw all of you idiots in a home! A crappy one! You're the ones who messed up the world to begin with. Own up to it!
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