Youtube is a big part of my life. I really can't imagine a world without it.
A lot of people complain about it (see rant on old people), but these are outsiders. They simply do not understand the beauty of it all. Sure, youtube has lot's of trolls (FAKE), stupid people (fred subscribers), and a lot of comments are kind of (very) dumb. However, in my experience, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

Youtube is a community. A place were likeminded people can come together and enjoy each other's content. If one youtuber is in trouble, rest assured that the others in the community will defend and help them. It allows you to share really awesome things with really awesome people. And the occasional armenian pedophile. You can express your opinion, share ideas, and even do charity work. Entire communities are born of youtube (ex: Nerdfighters). Things like P4A and the beckoning of lovely. Again, there are stupid, hateful people on youtube. But the caring, smart ones will call the stupids out. An' call em' out we do.
It facilitates the discovery of new ideas and artists. There are people who's entire career it Youtube. They make about as much as most upper-middle class people, and are a lot happier. If anyone ever tries to tell you that Youtube is a waste of time, present them with this evidence. Thank god it isn't Facebook, or finding good things would be much harder
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