Monday, 3 December 2012


     As a proud feminist, stay at home moms piss me off.  Do I really have to go into detail about this? I do. Aww come on! Shouldn't it be obvious. Ok, since this is rant day, I guess I should fill you in about it a little more.  Don't get me wrong, I know a few stay at home moms, ok 1 stay at home mom, and she rocks. The others? Yeah, no.

   They pose a huge threat to the economy.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but these suburban barbie sluts are taking a huge risk finically, if they break up with their husbands.  With no source of income, where will these parasites go for money? Welfare. They have no means of income, except taxpayer dollars. I'm not paying to keep some (expletive) afloat who won't freaking work. You know, some women don't have a choice. Not many women have that choice and are forced to either work or stay home. I say cut em' off. They CHOSE not to work, that's not a choice most can make.  Let them live with the consequences of their choice. Oh yeah, and how much money was wasted on giving these good for nothing Stepford wives a college education. They aren't even using that! What was that Ph.D for again ladies? Carving decorative radishes for the PTO meeting. Right.

   Do the efforts of the suffragettes mean absolutely nothing to these people? They're an absolute insult to every woman who fought to get them in the workplace! And what's worse, they bubble wrap themselves from the outside world. I don't trust anyone to raise the future that doesn't know how many somali children die every day due to starvation, illness, or other causes.  Willful ignorance to the outside world does not a good mom make.

   What kind of example are these people setting for their daughters? They should be out there WORKING, showing your little girl you can still work at a CNN newsroom and be a good mother.  Also, over parenting hurts kids, not helps them.  "People without kids just don't get it" is something I'm sick of hearing. SHUT UP ERMAHGERD! Plus your husband finds you less attractive now. Its a fact. They have no sense of self, they pour everything into their kids. And then when their kids leave em, we all suffer.

  Also, they're breast feeding nazis. I'll see them pestering some poor working mom  about breastfeeding and being free and blah blah blah. They keep asking how other women how they use and view their own breasts. If you see this happening to some poor woman with 5 or 6 kids, working 3 different jobs, getting pestered by these women, you know what you do. Slap that stay at home mom right in the botox injected cheeks and say "You know what, her breasts are her breasts, and those babies are her babies. Lay off". Back to the whole breatfeeding is free thing. They also go on the same way about cloth diapers. At the risk of having bags of breast milk and cloth diapers pelted at my door, they aren't free. It's only free if you don't put value on a woman's time. Lay. The frik. Off.

And now, a six-word message to stay at home mothers. Suburban, uppermiddle class ones.


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