Friday, 14 December 2012

Victorian goth

 Dear parents of baby bats/kindergoths,

     this is how you can tell whether it's just a phase or if your kid is actually for real. Is their look elegant or aesthetically pleasing? Or do they look like a jumbled mess? Do they listen to Voltaire, Thoushaltnot, The clash and Emilie autumn? Or are they into marilyn manson and other things like that? Are they nice, kind, thoughtful, intelligent people? Or are they thuggish, rude and do drugs? If they look dark yet sophisticated, listen to all of the above bands with the exception of marilyn manson, and are nice and polite, they're for real. If you answered yes to the second questions, it's just a phase. It'll pass.
     Some of them, like myself, are real. We've always felt this way, and always will. I didn't dress goth when I was 3, but I certainly liked it. And even though my parents are themselves aren't goths, they like gothic decor, dil, literature, and music.  I've always loved goth, from a very young age. And my favourite of them all, is victorian goth.                                                          

   Victorian goth can be characterised by corsets, top hats, tailcoats, long flow-y dresses, lots of black (duh) and anything that would have been fashionable in the mid to late 1800s.  Victorian goths tend to be very polite, well educated individuals. This style has a certain fin ess, that I feel is lacked by trad goths (the ones who say the subculture is dead. Only your branch of it, darling).  This style can also be merged with steampunk, if that's your thing, which will be of course if you're anything like me.  This style of dress can go hand in hand with cabaret goth, another favourite of mine. However, the victorian ladies cover themselves up a little more, to each his own. I've always been a big corset person, so that has to explain a lot Here are some victorian gothic dresses and outfits that I love;

If you listen to rasputina, Emilie Autumn, and like the movie Repo! The genetic opera, victorian goth is probably your thing.

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