Saturday, 15 December 2012


    Unless you've been in a coma the last little while, you've no doubt heard about the connecticut school shooting that took place recently, killing 26-28 (i read different numbers everywhere). 20 of these where children, as young as five.   This event ended more lives than Columbine.  This christmas, many families will have their holidays darkened by what happened.

This could have been prevented
it could have been avoided
this didn't have to happen

but it did.


Because people want to own guns. Already, those in favour of the right to bare arms law are dismissing it.  Why don't I shoot your baby and see how you like it, huh?  God I hate you guys sometimes. In a country where over a thousand people die due to gun violence each year, and that has already had three deadly massacres this year, you'd think these red necks would have woken up to the fact that GUNS ARE DANGEROUS AND PEOPLE ARE CRAZY.   In canada, the death toll for guns is around 36 each year. And even lower in some countries. Because we control guns.  Sometimes it seems like americans put up a logic barrier around themselves. If a legislation had passed a day before, perhaps this guy would have been captured before he did any damage. Maybe those families would have their kids for the holidays this year. It moved president obama to tears.

    The whole reason the right to bare arms thing even exists, was because it was written at a time when the u.s. was a developing country. Due to the custom of the time, having a gun was more a social thing. And because the country was so small, no one ever thought "crazy people exist." In canada, there is no way you're able to just walk into Wal-Mart and buy a gun.  Stop saying you have a right to bare arms, crazy redneck republicans.

some suggestions on how to control guns

  • The Gouvernment being responsible for distributing guns
  • Make it like adoption, when a person requests a gun, perform psychological examinations, investigate them. If they seem off, reject them
  • limit the amount of guns an american can own to 1 per household
  • veterans do not get to own guns
  • abolish that part of the constitution
  • grow a freaking brain
  • jail anyone who violates any of these.
Just some ideas.

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