Friday, 30 November 2012

Pin up

       Pin up girls are really hot. You agree with me, right gentlemen? As a 13 year old girl with an appreciation for the female figure, i like the pin up style. As a goth-ish 13 year old girl, punk goth pin up girls are a-ok with me
Who wouldn't find THIS attractive. Other that
gay men

So I guess this is gonna focus on gothabilly and goth pin up.

     Though I find some 50's values redundant and sexist, I have an appreciation for retro fashion.  Gothabilly girls are tattooed out the wazoo. And fashion from those days is a mix of elegant and fun. These days, it turns heads. It radiates an aura of "I'm sophisicated, yet I know how to party." Plus, I love all the roses. And the cherries. There's cherries and roses everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!

    I also love tattoos of pin up gals. Don't throw things at me, fellow feminists! There's nothing wrong with pin ups. I admire their personalities and fashion choices, I do not sexually objectify them. Ok? Ok. So that's this week's fashion post.

Now some gothabilly dresses I absolutely LOVE

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Sir Paul Freaking Badass Rock Idol McCartney

     Last night, I went to a Paul McCartney concert.  It was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

        I've been a Beatles fan since I was very young. Around the time i first liked doctor who actually. I'd listen to the Greatest hits (1967-1970) at night before going to sleep.  And though I've always preferred Lennon (keep on jammin john. keep on jamming.) This was still amazing.

ok, now the actual concert part

    He started with Magical Mystery tour.  It was kind of at that moment that i realized "Holy craptard paul mccartney is in the SAME FREAKING BUILDING AS ME!!!" Needless to say, the whole thing was awesome. Hey jude got the crowd going absolutely CRAY ZEE.  I mean, dude had fireworks. He's seventy. This is kind of off topic, but who's jude anyway. Is this jude still alive? Does he know that millions of people around the world have memorized a song about him? Did he even exist in the first place? Alas, we shall never know.

          He sang a song he wrote after john lennon died. Ohmygod, I was crying. Blackbird was excellent. He also played the ukelele. THAT is how you age my friend, "I'm seventy years old, it's a wensday night, I'm in front of 1600 people, and you know what, I'm gonna play the ukelele for my dead friend."Though it was a brilliant show (paperback writer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I do have some small issues.

1. There was no fool on the hill
2. There was no benefit of Mr. Kite

But I digress

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

The greatest show unearthed intro

       I'm in absolute love with a band called Creature Feature.  Yes I know, it's not music day, however, I'm going to Paul McCartney tonight, so I have to be gone fast. I wrote a story intro for a story based on their song "Greatest Show Unearthed". Here it is;

No one knows where they come from. Once a year, something strange rolls into town. Big, black and red circus tents seem to appear by magic, surrounded by big black gates. From inside, screaming, laughter, sobs and eerie music penetrate the air.  They stay for one night year every year, halloween, before disappearing into the early november fog. Leaving nothing behind but red stains on the concrete where it stood. Parents generally warn their kids to avoid it.  A few people bravely venture in. They are never heard from again. One year, in the humble town of Bradburyville, a young woman by the name of Virginia Clemm went missing. This is the story of some kids who went to look for her in this circus, and the consequences they suffered.

They had the misfortune to enter The Greatest Show Unearthed.


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Doctor Who (frik yeah)

    I. love. Doctor. who!!!!!!!!!! This is natural, as I was raised by possibly the nerdiest guy on the planet. NERDS FRIK YEAH! This is my doctor who story in a nutshell;

Favorite actor to portray the doctor: David Tennant (sigh, he's so dreamy)
favorite companion: Rose tyler
favorite monster: tie between Daleks and Angels
favorite episode: The Girl in the fireplace
favorite general character: River Song
Favorite doctor: 11

     I started watching Doctor who at around 5 years old. The first episode I ever saw, was David tennant's  first christmas special. I love the Doctor Who christmas specials. Needless to say, I was instantly addicted. To this day I watch it religiously.  There are only two other whovians in my class. This is sad. I demand more whovians I DEMAND IT!!!!!!!!!

    Amelia Pond. Easily the most attractive of all the companions (sorry Martha) and, in general, one of the best. My only problem, is that most if not all of her story is centred around wanting kids or her relationship with Rory. I'm not saying she's a bad companion.I mean, she's scottish. I'm just saying that this is making it out to be that all women want are kids.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Stop over glorifying the dead.

                 This rant will be a bit shorter than most I've posted, but don't worry. I'm still mad.

           You know what really grinds my gears? At every funeral, they go on and on about how the deceased was "an inspiration to us all, a light in our lives, apparently devoid of any wrong doing, oh how we admire them so blah blah blah"


     This happens every single time!!! I just want to stand up and say "Actually mr. Preacher man, he was kind of a dick. Can I leave now? It's stuffy in here." I don't care what people might say. I get it. He's dead. Big fricken whoop. You can't disrespect someone who's dead. You know who else is dead? Hitler, Jesus, Mohammed, that guy who invented mormons, Micheal Jackson,  and countless others that we all mock or disrespect daily. I don't see anyone getting mad when someone points out hitler's flaws. "Oh you can't say that! That's disrespectful to the dead." "Dude, he killed over six million people."People hate on Religious figureheads  constantly.  Just treat them like fricken human beings!!! They weren't saints. And if this whole thing is just a desperate attempt to get them into heaven, just know that there's no way in hell that'll work. Aunt Gertrude was a known satanist!!


Sunday, 25 November 2012

Love day #2: Annelise Marie Frank

        I think my love of writing started about four years ago, after an obsession with Anne Frank. I myself am not jewish. However, I have long studied judaism. Again, because of Anne. I still love her to this day, though not as obsessively. She's a  beam of steel.  A beautiful, tragic one. I agreed with her philosophy, that writing allows us to say things we cannot say aloud.  She was a good example to parents that they don't really know their kids. As Otto Frank, Anne's father, once said; "I had a very close relationship with Anne.  I never saw this mature side of her. This just goes to show that parents don't really know their children."

       She got me hooked on writing, and expressing yourself on paper. Naturally I own the definitive addition of her diary. Her struggle, story, and eventual tragic is one of the most well-known stories ever to come out of the holocaust. She completely changed my life, reshaping my view of the world. She is the one person I would love to meet above all others. I wish I could have saved her. It seems foolish.

     Anne wasn't just some artistic sob story. She was a normal teenage girl, with normal teenage issues. Admittedly, she was in hiding, in constant fear of discovery by nazis. Oh and peter griffin? You can go kiss my @%&$$#^&*.

  Thanks Anne.


Saturday, 24 November 2012

A commonly made Fashion mistake. Actually, quite a few.

    Ok, ladies, listen up. These are some things that I see on a day to day basis.   It's pretty bad. First of all, black leggings ARE NOT REAL PANTS!  Meg(h)an, I'm  lookin  at you. All four of you. Actually, only three of you, the fourth one has yet to commit this offence to my knowledge.  I  don't get why women do this. Sure, if  you're wearing them under  shorts or a skirt or dress, or  anything that  is long  enough  to cover  your butt,  that's fine. But  they  are not  real pants.  Never  have been, never  will be. If you want to have dark, skintight pants, I have three words for you: Dark skinny jeans. They slim you down, and  you can wear them with  anything. If you don't  like your legs, or are a bit on the larger side,  just  wear bootcut or flare jeans. Flattery is key. If I can see your  pink,  zebra stripped underwear through it,  put  on a freaking skirt.

     Secondly, What's with bandeaus. I don't see the point. Stop it. Now.

              Why do you all wear name brand hoodies? Are they status symbols? They are just lumps of fabric with names printed one them. What's worse, there's a new faddy one every single month. WE GET IT. You have money. Now actually put some effort into outfits please.  Don't whine to me that it's comfortable. I don't care.

                    Top buns? Where'd this come from? Ohmygod, I'm so sick of seeing these everywhere. All they do is make you look like a ballerina, accentuate your large forehead, and, just in general, look really really stupid. I was in a grocery store and saw a girl wearing a top bun. For a second, she looked like an orthodox jewish man.  On a side note, why is everyone getting brass coloured highlights all of a sudden?

     This rant probably attacked about 98% of the 10-29 female population.  Well, guess what? I don't care. BE ORIGINAL FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!! Don't jump on some stupid trend that'll be out in a week.


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

I'm back. Again

  Terribly sorry for the lack of posts this last little while, but I have an excuse. As you may know, I've been in Florida, the sunshine state, and the last few days were especially hectic. I'm surprised I'm even blogging now. I've just re-entered my homeland of Canada. Oh Canada, so frigid and icy, I love you.

    So expect regular thing-ys in the future. Sorry this post was so short, I'm just really really really really tired.


Thursday, 15 November 2012

My kind of music

   As a professional oddball, yes, it is a real job, I listen to some pretty weird music. My favorite genre at the moment is dark cabaret. A term first used (to my knowledge) by the amazing and incredible Amanda effing Palmer to describe her band The Dresden Dolls. She's one of my favorite artists. I love this music. It's dark and elegant and creepy. As I write this, I'm listening to Missed me by the aforementioned Dresden Dolls. So, to quote one of my good friends, frickety frackin good. Voltaire is another excellent artist. His music is kinda goth-folk y.  Love! his best song by far is The Straight-Razor Cabaret. Starting to get what kind of person I am? I'M GONNA GET WEIRDER.

     I also like music that's just plain weird. Label it however you want, no one understands this stuff. For instance, I grew up listening to Tori Amos. She is an amazing, beautiful person. Her song "Cruel" left me with the biggest feeling of "Of what in the unholy-" I'd ever had. Good on you Amos. Good on you.another really good one is Emilie Autumn. Take a fairy, put it on LSD, give it a violin, and BOOM! You have her. Rasputina's really good too.

   For some reason, I love Celtic rock too. Might be my Irish-Canadian heritage, might be that my dad worked in pubs when I was young (and  I spent many a night in there when I was around 3 or 4) and that's what they play in there. I dunno. The fiddle has to be one of my favorite instruments

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Underground poetry and apologies

      OHMYGOSHI'MSOSORRYICOMPLETELYMISSEDTUESDAYSPOSTAAHHHH! Ok, ok,  I'm good now. I sincerely apologize  for the disruption in our regularly scheduled programing folks. But it isn't my fault. I was at Magic kingdom until 1:00 a.m, and was wayyyy to exhausted to really write anything. Besides, I had no good ideas for posts anyway. Next week the nerd day post will be SUPER EXTREMELY AMAZING. I promise. It'll be like skydiving with sharks into a pool of crocodiles on crack. Who are also werewolves. And have machetes. But less, you know, dangerous. And stuff 


   I love underground poetry. I know, I know. It sounds pretentious and snooty and hipster-esque. However, you cannot deny the beauty of the tortured soul expressing it's  self on paper. I went to a poetry reading with a friend a couple  weeks ago, and it was amazing. My favorite one by far was called "If Poems Could Kill" I think. I don't know (You're amazing Rhianna. Not the singer, the girl who wrote the poem). It was one of the most angry gorgeous things I've ever heard. My friend who invited me read a poem she'd written about depressing caffeine and  a story about the earthquake/tsunami in Japan. Rhianna's boyfriend played a song for her, which was ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE. As for myself, I couldn't write poetry to save my life. But you know


Monday, 12 November 2012

I don't know what I'm doin now, but I know I really hate you all:Old people

       It has come to my attention, that recently, and increasingly so, the "Older generation" has been talking about how "kids these days suck." I'm paraphrasing by the way, as I don't remember the exact phrase. This is because I have an attention span of about 0. I"m surprised I even made it through that sentence. Old people (and by "old", I mean 35+) are constantly going on about how "Teens these days are always on their cell phones" and stuff like that. They have an air of annoying superiority about the whole thing. This bothers me for many reasons, which I have compacted down into 2 for your reading convenience!

1. The older generation INVENTED THESE THINGS IN THE FIRST PLACE. It's your own fault your kids are always on devices. Steve Jobs created apple, Bill Gates P.C. These men are both members of the offending age group. Take responsibility. For the love of god.

2. Your generation created US. We, the children of the future, are the the results of your sweat, blood (and other bodily fluids), and hard work coming together. Ergo, everything we do is your fault.:)

   If some crotchety old man ever says to you "In my day, kids didn't INSERT MODERN FREEDOM HERE",you know what you do? Flip that d-bag the bird and say "Yeah, and in your day it was legal to own slaves, and see how that worked out?" And walk away. Seriously, i'm gonna personally throw all of you idiots in a home! A crappy one! You're the ones who messed up the world to begin with. Own up to it!


Sunday, 11 November 2012

Love day #1: Abnormality

      Today somebody said I was starting to act like a normal kid.

this disturbs me

     The whole point of life, in my opinion, is to make up your own point. Do whatever. I like the humanist philosophy of the renaissance, enrich your own life. Don't be a normal person. Normal people are boring!! They just sit there like grey, unfulfilled blobs. Doing whatever society dictates. Screw society dude. You're not part of a giant tumor,  why  should you act like it.

Weird. Be it
     Are you that weird kid no one feels comfortable around? Excellent. You win a cookie. Now encourage your peers to let their inner weird shine through. Do whatever makes them feel like themselves. Do you want to spend an afternoon painting your face with peanut butter with your friends? Do it! Do it now! Do you want to cut the eyes out of a picture of Oprah's face and hang it in your locker? Who's stopping you? GET ON THAT! I love abnormality. It makes life funny, exciting, and all around awesome. Everything gated communities aren't.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Animal kingdom is a REJECT: twisted tales from darkest florida

if you like animal kingdom, chances are you don't do alot of this
Don't give it drugs. It WILL devour your eyeballs. Adorably.

         Today I went to animal kingdom. Meh. I've never liked it that much. I mean, animal kingdom has always seemed like a reject to me. The one who sits alone all the time at lunch. If you tried to point it out in a crowd, you'd be wrong. It's the other guy. It's like the neglected middle child. It's not that smart or talented or anything. Now, I know some of you are like "but Asylum, I love animal kingdom." And you're allowed to. But you're probably lame. You're old, or you have some sort of condition like rabies or whatever that doesn't allow you to do things, like, be awesome. Yes, it has mount Everest, which I love, but other than that, there isn't a whole lot to do. It seems like it should just be a section of Magic kingdom. And besides, what's with that safari thing, trying to to convince us we're in Africa. We aren't. We're in Florida. And what's with that fake poacher thing? Seriously, that was dumb. The monkeys were cute, though.  So that's alright.

      I'm staying in this eerie gated community. It's way too quiet here. I'm suspicious of anywhere that's gated and has it's own clubhouse. That's SO first world. What's up with that. Do these people just pop another pill and ignore the real issues and do nothing about it,  because their fake hair colour is fading, or their spray tan washed off. Or their silicone boobs are sagging. Or their uber-expensive car has a dent. *pants* Ok, ok. I'm done. It's safe to come back. BUT THESE PEOPLE BOTHER ME SO MUCH! Ah, I'll save this for a monday rant. Also, it's super quiet here. Like, I see NOBODY. Creepyyyyyyyyyy. I suspect cult activity

     Well, that's it for today my lovelies. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe not. All depends on how tired I am


Friday, 9 November 2012

I'm not gonna be good at this

Greetings lovely's.

     Welcome to my blog thing-y. Here I will post whatever I feel like for the few people that will read it (hi mom!) Here's a schedule of what you can expect;

Monday: Rant day. I'm generally not in a good mood on Monday.
Tuesday:Nerd day. Whatever I find nerdy, or really big nerd news. And some stuff for my fellow ladynerds.
Wednesday:  Lit day. Literary reviews or some of my own stuff.
Thursday: Music day. NO JUSTIN BEIBER
Friday: Fashion day. It seems like a good idea. Plus, during my childhood Friday was 'bout fashion on TLC
Saturday: Anything day. Pretty self explanatory.
Sunday: Love day. I feel like sunday is the neglected child, so we need to show them a little love. SHOW SUNDAY SOME LOVE DARN IT.

   So that's how it goes. I mostly made that for myself, as you probably don't care. I NEED A DEADLINE OR I WILL GET NOTHING DONE. AT ALL. But I digress. I'll probably start blogging regularly once I get back home. Or I'll start now. I dunno. Whatever.

ok bye